Ambullneo Vineyards New Website
What’s in the news? I’m glad you asked! First and foremost I want to introduce you to our new web site. A lifetime in the making, caused by my anal retentive nature, but well worth it. As web pages go, this is state of the art and projects nothing but quality.
So here is our premier, directed and produced by Fluxar Studios, starring Kynan Chambers and Ryan Northway. They’re as talented and creative as any artists I have ever met. With Fluxars guidance, this electronically challenged enigma has one cool web page.
That’s the subject of this blog, the leaning on others to fill the holes in our D.N.A. not unlike that frog in Jurassic Park. Yes, we all have short comings. Hell, I heard stories about Einstein so engrossed with a mathematical equation he forgot to put on his pants. What’s the point? Simple. Surround yourself with people, friends, family and observe their strengths, then ask for help in the areas you are lacking. No one is perfect but we can get closer to nirvana if we work together. I’m just a winemaker and I try to make something magical for all to enjoy even for a moment. When someone says their night was enhanced by my efforts, it’s the greatest of feelings one can achieve. But there’s a dirty little secret I will gladly share: I did not do it alone.
So today we launch Ambullneo’s new cool web page. Yes, I like the word “cool”! And I thank Kynan and his staff for making me feel better about our wines and projecting our quality on to you! To contact or view Fluxar’s work, visit or e-mail
All the best, and fill in the holes,