

Con Game

By Greg Linn | April 6, 2012

How would you like to buy a ten dollar gold watch, or how about the Brooklyn Bridge? Funny old sayings but sadly the con-game has attacked the wine world with a vengeance. There are two types of con’s selling an item that you know to be worth an extravagant price for peanuts, and convincing the…

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Without Compromise

By Greg Linn | March 7, 2012

You stand before the Y in the road, one goes up one goes down, both lead to your destination. A new business, a new life, a new future. So do you climb the hill, take the struggle? Let’s frame the question in a different way. Opportunity is at the end of both roads. However, the…

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Wine History & Scoring

By Greg Linn | January 22, 2012

Some of the writers out and about who were once destined to be historians and could not find a career found wine instead. This leads me to the subject of this blog. Is it important to know everything there is about a wine region, wine family before you can truly enjoy the bottle of wine.…

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One Hell of a Bargain

By Greg Linn | November 17, 2011

I have heard an awful lot about the pricing of wines lately. I covered a little of this in the three tier system blog. It’s easy to spout off about the price of a bottle of wine with no idea what goes into making it. Yes all wine is “Not” created equally so what gives…

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frankensteins monster


By Greg Linn | October 18, 2011

The day had not yet reached dawn while the power surged through the dimly lit Winery. Dr. Frankenstein considered his next move. I need more parts, more ingredients, more interference. Yes, Yes my creation is at hand. But Doctor, his able body assistant fresh out of U.C. Davis opined, you’ve already added more acid than…

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wine cellar


By Greg Linn | August 25, 2011

Let me say this loud and clear, Storage is the single most important thing you can do preventing damage to a bottle of wine. Some still don’t get it, and I’m not talking only of the retail customer, I’m talking of the wholesaler, distributor, retail shop and restaurant. I have been lucky enough to fly…

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chimpanzee face from side


By Greg Linn | August 6, 2011

Do you remember when all you longed for was ice cream, cake and candy, wishing everyday was your Birthday? Then as we got older a great piece of meat or fish or even a great vegetable. I don’t pretend that great desert is not still craved, but you now have contrast, choices and you enjoy…

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woman reading wine label

I Do Love The Label Reader

By Greg Linn | June 1, 2011

Boy do I love the label reader’s. the boys and girls that say hey if it’s Gucci, Armani, Zegna or Ferrari, Bentley, Mercedes or maybe it’s Lafitte, Latour, D.R.C., Leroy it has to be good. Now some might know these labels by appearance, certainly the Automobile fits that description. And designers of clothing can be…

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By Greg Linn | May 6, 2011

So you’re looking for the right tool for the right job.  You scramble around and you don’t have the exact tool, but with a little innovation you tweak this, and that and holy shit it’s fixed.  Why?  Because of wisdom, experience, talent and ability to draw from those things at the right time at the…

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