General News
One Hell of a Bargain
I have heard an awful lot about the pricing of wines lately. I covered a little of this in the three tier system blog. It’s easy to spout off about the price of a bottle of wine with no idea what goes into making it. Yes all wine is “Not” created equally so what gives…
Read MoreFrankenWines
The day had not yet reached dawn while the power surged through the dimly lit Winery. Dr. Frankenstein considered his next move. I need more parts, more ingredients, more interference. Yes, Yes my creation is at hand. But Doctor, his able body assistant fresh out of U.C. Davis opined, you’ve already added more acid than…
Read MoreStorage!
Let me say this loud and clear, Storage is the single most important thing you can do preventing damage to a bottle of wine. Some still don’t get it, and I’m not talking only of the retail customer, I’m talking of the wholesaler, distributor, retail shop and restaurant. I have been lucky enough to fly…
Read MoreEvolution
Do you remember when all you longed for was ice cream, cake and candy, wishing everyday was your Birthday? Then as we got older a great piece of meat or fish or even a great vegetable. I don’t pretend that great desert is not still craved, but you now have contrast, choices and you enjoy…
Read MoreTools!
So you’re looking for the right tool for the right job. You scramble around and you don’t have the exact tool, but with a little innovation you tweak this, and that and holy shit it’s fixed. Why? Because of wisdom, experience, talent and ability to draw from those things at the right time at the…
Read MoreRead The Text!
The subject of this blog is scores! Yes that numbering system that has redefined the quality, approach, mind set, consumption, wine making, marketing, and more when it comes to wine. For better or worse we have all been affected by the rating system and we will continue to be for the foreseeable future. What is…
Read MoreRaw Material
If you were to start a business, family, or plan a trip around the world you would most differently put some pre thought into it would you not? I mean doing anything on a whim might seem exciting but the consequences can be disastrous. Yet many of our planted vines over the last 100 years…
Read MoreNonno Family
What’s in a name you ask? Well, for me it was an accumulation of decisions that brought me to this intersection that is known as now. Let me give you one such example out of millions. My Grandfather Colargio Zito and my Grandmother Giovana came to the new World in the early part of the…
Read MoreDirty Laundry
It’s true that people, not governments, are what make up the soul of a country. The essence of a people is not the negotiated treaties, bloated talking heads or propagandized photos which we consume daily. In fact, our so called “free press” is not so keen on providing images of what life is really like…
Read MoreWe The People
So, for those that have read my blogs before, you won’t be surprised at the subject chosen for your intellectual stimulus today. Please forgive me for my transparency, but it’s high time we break down the borders of the so called United States (the key words) of America. Yes united, all states to form a…
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